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Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Tool

Targets set at the company management level (ISA-95 hierarchy) must be implemented and monitored at the production management level, but too many resources are spent gathering operational data necessary for KPI (Key Performance Indicators).  With device-level connections and an event-based approach to target management, the Data Commander™ MES Gateway Appliance and now the IIoTA™ (Industrial Internet of Things Appliance) revolutionizes data integration in manufacturing.

MES Gateway Appliance as a KPI Tool

Because of the shortfalls of existing architectures and solutions, key figures needed by Manufacturing Process Managers for KPI have been difficult to gather from the automation controls on the factory floor, until now.  The Data Commander™ and now the IIoTA™ talk natively with sensors, PLCs, and other dedicated controls using device drivers


Events, recorded by the devices, trigger the Data Commander™ and the IIoTA™ to transport bit-sized data to production management's data storage:  databases or enterprise servers. Event-based triggers eliminate the need to constantly poll the network or use middleware that requires PCs on the factory floor.  Key figures needed in production management for KPI (order cycle times, failures and reworks, and OEE) are reliably updated with condensed data from the controls and automation in the production process.

Production Data for Process Analysis

As senior management's KPIs are passed down, the benchmarks are transformed into opportunities for process analysis and improvement.


The Data Commander™ and IIoTA™ simplify engineers' data collection for Manufacturing Process Managers' analyses.  With a simple connection validation to database storage, machine data is translated, without PCs, for data mining and analysis.

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